Monthly Archive: February 2018

Image of a swimmer getting close to a wall representing financial finish lines

Set Financial Finish Lines to Prevent Wealth Hoarding

As The Rich Fool, one of the core themes I plan to explore revolves around the question of what it means to build bigger barns. It feels critically important to define what “bigger” means and set some financial finish lines, considering the fate of my biblical counterpart who was condemned by God for stockpiling an abundance of possessions beyond what he could ever consume.

Image of a person holding a sign encouraging generosity rather than financial independence

Financial Independence: Right Path for the Wrong Reason

Just like my gut has always told me that it’s foolish to pursue the American Dream, the same instincts told me that financial independence shouldn’t be the goal of a more disciplined spending lifestyle. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was going down the right path for the wrong reasons. Then it hit me: What if I applied the concepts of financial independence to my life, but with the goal of radical generosity instead of early retirement?

Image of a lawn weed representing lifestyle inflation

Lifestyle Inflation Hurts Saving and Giving

Lifestyle inflation sneaks up on you like a lawn weed, slowly spreading but blending in with its surroundings. But held in check, it is possible to squeeze the unnecessary spending from our lives. With lifestyle inflation in check, it becomes easier to take the next step on the journey toward radical generosity.